[deer park]

On this lonely mountain I see no one,

Yet I hear the echo of voices.

Rays of sunlight enter into the deep forest,

Shining once more upon green moss.

- Wang Wei

“InfrareDreams” is a heartfelt and fervent tribute to the hidden essence of Mother Nature, drawing inspiration from the brevity of Wang Wei's poems. Through the lens of a Leica Q2 camera with custom infrared treatment on Adobe Lightroom, these images unveil the hidden wonders of our natural world, igniting the senses and unveiling what often escapes our notice.

They invite us to develop a profound appreciation for the ordinary flora and fauna in our everyday surroundings. These images aim to kindle not just a deeper love for nature but also a realization of our fleeting and ephemeral connection with it, encouraging us to cherish it more deeply.

Photographed entirely on Leica Q2. Edited in Adobe Lightroom.